Seed Launch Growth Fund
Start-ups are not businesses yet. They are a series of events that lead to a successful business or not. We invest in entrepreneurs who are creating sustainable solutions to our world’s challenges. We look for leadership teams that have experience in taking a concept to market. We look for the use of technology in their design (as we believe that all companies will be tech companies if they aren’t already). These investments can come as an Angel Investor in which we invest in the startup in seed rounds, or as a Fund, in which we work with other Angel Investors to get the investment needed to support the company, this is usually in Seed or up to Serie A.

Innovative Technologies Fund
In our exponentially changing world, existing profitable businesses must change with the times and growth of technology in order to keep and expand their market share. In this fund, we invest in mature companies that are ready to either convert to sustainable strategies or are expanding their technology in their industry. Either way, these companies are making the world a better place and we help them get there.
Sustainable Investors Fund
It is through ownership of the stocks of legacy corporations that we can make a difference in the way corporations function. As shareholders, we invest in public companies that are making a difference in business. These are the leaders in sustainability and exponential thinking in their industries. Our stock investment fund takes the approach of Warren Buffet. We hold on the businesses for the long term and are looking for wonderful companies to invest in. We use a robust approach to purchase companies that are on sale.

Seed Launch Growth Fund
Start-ups are not businesses yet. They are a series of events that lead to a successful business or not. We invest in entrepreneurs who are creating sustainable solutions to our world’s challenges. We look for leadership teams that have experience in taking a concept to market. We look for the use of technology in their design (as we believe that all companies will be tech companies if they aren’t already). These investments can come as an Angel Investor in which we invest in the startup in seed rounds, or as a Fund, in which we work with other Angel Investors to get the investment needed to support the company, this is usually in Seed or up to Serie A.

Innovative Technologies Fund
In our exponentially changing world, existing profitable businesses must change with the times and growth of technology in order to keep and expand their market share. In this fund, we invest in mature companies that are ready to either convert to sustainable strategies or are expanding their technology in their industry. Either way, these companies are making the world a better place and we help them get there.

Sustainable Investors Fund
It is through ownership of the stocks of legacy corporations that we can make a difference in the way corporations function. As shareholders, we invest in public companies that are making a difference in business. These are the leaders in sustainability and exponential thinking in their industries. Our stock investment fund takes the approach of Warren Buffet. We hold on the businesses for the long term and are looking for wonderful companies to invest in. We use a robust approach to purchase companies that are on sale.